Why A Magic Show

Why a magic show?



Life Is Full Of Special Moments. Much The Same Way A Beautiful Frame Can Draw Attention To A Picture, Robert Helps You Capture And Highlight Your Special Celebration.  

Using Entertainment To Draw Family and Friends Together, Focus Attention And Create Memories That Will Stand The Test Of Time.

True story: Last year while working an event a young lady (20’s) came up to me and said “ You performed at my 5th birthday party” While this made me feel very old, it also made me feel very proud. After 15 years she still remembered me. She could recall the tricks I performed and the Jokes I told. She has a huge smile as she recounted the memory for me.

It happed again just last week, as I perform a Blue and Gold banquet for a Boy Scout troop. A mother came up to me with her two kids and said, “This is the 3rd time we have seen you” then she recounted the 2 prior times spanning a seven year gap. The two kids were jumping in to the story recounting the great time they had had.

Over the past 30 years I have learned to focus on the Kids and their families. My shows are not about me or the magic, they are about the kids and making their special day memorable.

A bounce house may be fun, but will they remember it a week later more less a year or two later? Will you open your photo album or face book page and remember the time you spent watching your son or daughter jump in a bounce house? After the balloons have popped and the bounce house is taken away what memory will they have of their special day?

Get your cameras ready, gather your friends and get ready for a show that will highlight your special occasion, focus on your child and their friends, get you a lot of great photos and your child a memory to last a life time!

Let Me Help You Make Your Next Event Stand Out.