
The other night I went to see a show featuring Authentic Flamenco dancing at the George theater in Houston. The show was fantastic but what caught my eye was the father and his young daughter sitting in the row in front of me. The young girl probably around 12 years old was all decked out in a Flamenco dress. Her and her father interacted during the show clapping, dancing in their seats. I don’t know the whole story here, but you know me and my imagination, I began to ponder.  At time I could see the father get a bit emotional. Where was the mom? Was she a Flamenco dancer? Was the dad once a dancer? Was this bringing back memories? Like I said, I don’t know all these answers, but what was obvious was that this Dad was passing on some family traditions to his young daughter.

Traditions and stories are so important. In this rush, rush, work, work age we need to remind our selves to stop and take time with the ones we love and to pass on some family traditions. I remember when I was growing up church and holidays were a big part of our lives. My family attended church, My parents were Sunday school teachers, I was in church plays and presentations. I remember on Holiday’s like Christmas every house was decorated with lights and celebrations all centered around the family.

Now days so few pass on these traditions. Churches are empty and youth programs are small. Holiday spirit is all but vanished. Only a couple of houses in my neighborhood were decorated. I find it very sad that these things are vanishing from our culture. It was these things that made us who we are and yet we allow marketing and counter culture to steal  these moment away from our kids and grand kids.

As we enter this holiday season take time to stop and spend time with those you love and pass on some traditions or create some new ones that will inspire the next generation. One more corporate party will not change your life. One more bad holiday movie wont even be remembered, but a night with your children watching the classics by a decked out Christmas you all helped decorate will be remembered for years to come.

Here at the Magic Party we focus on family magic show that will bring the whole family together. I have see so many families that will rent a bounce house for the back yard and send the kids out to play while the adults drink beer and mingle. What a missed opportunity. These children will only be turning 5 or 6 once in their lives. Will you or they remember the great beer or conversation you had a year later?

What I strive to do, is create a show full of moments. Moments of laughter, moments for pictures, moment for families to share focused on celebration of another passing year of growth and a passing from one stage of life to the next.

I hope one day I will get to celebrate with you.

Practical Ways to Preserve and Celebrate Traditions:
1. Documenting: Encourage family members to document traditions through photographs, videos, or written accounts. This preserves the memories and allows future generations to understand and appreciate the significance of these traditions.

2. Passing Down Recipes: Food is often at the heart of family traditions. Share and pass down cherished recipes, ensuring that the flavors and tastes of these traditions are preserved for future generations.

3. Annual Events: Establish annual events or gatherings that revolve around specific traditions. This could include holiday celebrations, family reunions, or special outings. Consistency is key in maintaining and passing on traditions.

4. Storytelling: Share stories and anecdotes related to family traditions. This helps younger family members understand the historical and cultural context behind these practices, fostering a deeper appreciation for their significance.

5. Flexibility and Adaptation: While traditions are important, it’s essential to allow for flexibility and adaptation to accommodate changing circumstances and evolving family dynamics. This ensures that traditions remain relevant and enjoyable for all family members.

Passing on American family traditions is a meaningful endeavor that helps preserve our cultural heritage, strengthen family bonds, and create lasting memories. By actively engaging in the preservation and celebration of these traditions, we ensure that future generations can continue to embrace and appreciate their roots, fostering a sense of identity and belonging within the American family unit.